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1. Delivery from Mountain People Centre.

Beni Rani Ghale in own design/produced Virus Suit. Over 6 weeks she led MP/Steps volunteers in buying and distributing food to approx 700 families

2. East Kathmandu.

Mainly squatters from the Makalu district, East Nepal, who moved to Kathmandu to provide schooling for their children.
Temba Bhote Lama organized volunteers to deliver to approx 300 families.

3. South Nepal. 

Resham Bal, of Elevate Nepal, sought people in desperate need in an area of Southern Nepal where Elevate have been holding health care clinics. His volunteers distributed food packages from the local school.

4. Blind Home.

Sonam Lama organised and delivered food and face masks, to our 16 blind children and staff.